Thursday, September 29, 2011

Configuring Remote Access VPNs

Configuring Remote Access IPSec VPNs

Summary of the Configuration

Configuring Interfaces

Configuring ISAKMP Policy and Enabling ISAKMP on the Outside Interface

Configuring an Address Pool

Adding a User

Creating a Transform Set

Defining a Tunnel Group

Creating a Dynamic Crypto Map

Creating a Crypto Map Entry to Use the Dynamic Crypto Map

Summary of the Configuration

This chapter uses the following configuration to explain how to configure a remote access connection. Later sections provide step-by-step instructions.

hostname(config)# interface ethernet0

hostname(config-if)# ip address

hostname(config-if)# nameif outside

hostname(config)# no shutdown

hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share

hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 encryption 3des

hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 hash sha

hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 group 2

hostname(config)# isakmp policy 1 lifetime 43200

hostname(config)# isakmp enable outside

hostname(config)# ip local pool testpool

hostname(config)# username testuser password 12345678

hostname(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set FirstSet esp-3des esp-md5-hmac

hostname(config)# tunnel-group testgroup type ipsec-ra

hostname(config)# tunnel-group testgroup general-attributes

hostname(config-general)# address-pool testpool

hostname(config)# tunnel-group testgroup ipsec-attributes

hostname(config-ipsec)# pre-shared-key 44kkaol59636jnfx

hostname(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set transform-set FirstSet

hostname(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set reverse-route

hostname(config)# crypto map mymap 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dyn1

hostname(config)# crypto map mymap interface outside

hostname(config)# write memory

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cisco 1841 router buying information

Cisco 1800 Series Router BundlesCISCO1841-ADSL 1841 ADSLoPOTS Bdle,IP Broadband,32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-ADSL-DG 1841 ADSLoPOTS w/dying gasp Bdle,IP Broadband,32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-ADSLI 1841 ADSLoISDN Bdle,IP Broadband, 32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-HSEC/K9 1841 Security bundle w/AIM-VPN,Adv.IP Svcs,64FL/256DR
CISCO1841-SEC/K9 1841 Security Bundle,Adv.Security,64FL/256DR
CISCO1841-SHDSL 1841 G.shdsl 2-wire Bdle,IP Broadband,32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-SHDSL-V2 1841 G.shdsl 4-wire Bdle,IP Broadband,32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-T1 1841 bundle w/WIC-1DSU-T1-V2, IP Base, 32FL/128DR
CISCO1841-T1SEC/K9 1841 Security Bundle w/ WIC-1DSU-T1-V2, Adv.Sec.,64FL,256DR

Cisco 1800 Series RoutersCISCO1841 Modular Router w/2xFE, 2 WAN slots, 32 FL/128 DR

Cisco 1800 Series High Speed WAN Interface CardsHWIC-1ADSL 1-port ADSLoPOTS HWIC
HWIC-4A/S 4-Port Async/Sync Serial HWIC
HWIC-4ESW Four port 10/100 Ethernet switch interface card
HWIC-8A 8-Port Async HWIC
HWIC-8A/S-232 8-Port Async/Sync Serial HWIC, EIA-232
HWIC-AP-AG-A AP HWIC, 2 radios( 2.4/5Ghz Radios 802.11 a/b/g) Americas
HWIC-AP-AG-E AP HWIC, 2 radios( 2.4/5Ghz Radios for 802.11 a/b/g) Europe
HWIC-AP-AG-J AP HWIC, 2 radios( 2.4/5Ghz Radios for 802.11 a/b/g) Japan
HWIC-AP-G-A AP HWIC w 2.4 Ghz Radio for 802.11 b/g Americas
HWIC-AP-G-E AP HWIC w 2.4 Ghz Radio for 802.11 b/g Europe
HWIC-AP-G-J AP HWIC w 2.4 Ghz Radio for 802.11 b/g Japan

Cisco 1800 Series Voice / WAN Interface CardsVWIC-1MFT-E1 1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - E1
VWIC-1MFT-G703 1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - G.703
VWIC-1MFT-T1 1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - T1
VWIC2-1MFT-G703 1-Port 2nd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card - G.703
VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 1-Port 2nd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card - T1/E1
VWIC2-2MFT-G703 2-Port 2nd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card - G.703
VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1 2-Port 2nd Gen Multiflex Trunk Voice/WAN Int. Card - T1/E1
VWIC-2MFT-E1 2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - E1
VWIC-2MFT-E1-DI 2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - E1 With Drop and Insert
VWIC-2MFT-G703 2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - G.703
VWIC-2MFT-T1 2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - T1
VWIC-2MFT-T1-DI 2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - T1 With Drop and Insert

Cisco 1800 Series WAN Interface CardsWIC-1ADSL 1-port ADSL WAN Interface Card
WIC-1ADSL-DG 1-port ADSLoPOTS WIC with Dying Gasp
WIC-1ADSL-I-DG 1-port ADSLoISDN Wan Interface Card
WIC-1AM One-port Analog Modem WAN Interface Card
WIC-1B-S/T-V3 1-Port ISDN WAN Interface Card (dial and leased line)
WIC-1DSU-T1-V2 Updated 1-Port T1/Fractional T1 DSU/CSU WAN Interface Card
WIC-1SHDSL-V3 One port G.shdsl WIC with 4-wire support
WIC-1T 1-Port Serial WAN Interface Card
WIC-2AM Two-port Analog Modem WAN Interface Card
WIC-2A/S 2-Port Async/Sync Serial WAN Interface Card
WIC-2T 2-Port Serial WAN Interface Card

Cisco 1800 Series Power SuppliesPWR-184X-AC Cisco 184X AC standard power supply